Dr. Patrice Baptiste
Portfolio GP, Founder of Medschool Xtra
Dr. Baptiste currently works as a portfolio GP. This means that she spends the majority of her time in clinical practice with the remainder of the time divided between a number of other careers and interests. Working as a doctor has always been Dr. Baptiste’s first ‘calling’ or purpose in life.
Dr. Baptiste enjoys juggling multiple careers and interests. Dr. Baptiste works as a reporting doctor at The London Medical Laboratory, is the founder of Medschool Xtra a new and innovative medical education platform, a writer for GP Online and speaks at various conferences and events.
Dr. Baptiste has previously worked as a MSc programme lead and Senior Clinical Lecturer at The College of Medicine and Dentistry and has been appointed as an Associate Lecturer at The Open University. Dr. Baptiste has also worked as a GP tutor teaching Queen Mary University London (QMUL) medical students and was registered as a Professional Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) examiner at the General Medical Council (GMC). She occasionally examines medical students in their Objective Structured Clinical Examinations or OSCEs at QMUL.
Posts by Dr. Patrice Baptiste