Frozen Shoulder Exercises Leaflet (Printable PDF)

Frozen Shoulder Exercises Leaflet (Printable PDF)

Item Number: FRSPDF
A printable leaflet containing the phases of frozen shoulder, management strategies and shoulder exercises.
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This chart has been medically reviewed by Sian George (M. Ost, PG Cert AO), Osteopath.

Empower individuals to overcome their frozen shoulder with the printable Frozen Shoulder Exercises Leaflet. This leaflet is appropriate for use in a broad range of healthcare environments, such as general practice, physiotherapy and rehab clinics, hospitals, and community centres.

Each exercise is presented in a clear and concise manner, ensuring readers can comprehend and implement them. In addition, the leaflet provides a summary of frozen shoulder phases and management strategies.

The primary objective of this leaflet is to aid patients in reducing pain, enhancing strength, increasing range of motion, and gaining functional independence. Frozen shoulder is a limiting condition, as the associated pain can significantly impede an individual’s capacity to perform routine activities. However, this can be managed effectively with the Frozen Shoulder Exercises Leaflet.  

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